søndag den 22. april 2018

A very long update!

Conny Hillgaards billede.

Good evening
What a wonderful time we live in. The sun is shinning the birds singing and we look forward to brighter times.
The light ... for us the light is a symbol of all good. The light is peace and it gives life. When the darkness surrounds us, the light brings us hope for a better time that will come.
The light is Jesus Christ.

Isaiah is the one who expres it the best.
Isaiah 9:6
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Lars has been ill for some time. It started when he was around 58-59 years old. He began to forget things ..
Later it became so hard to work that he lost his job. At that time he was 60 years old. The company tried to keep him, but it became increasingly clear that it was impossible.

Lars was tested twice if he had dementia. He does not

Our doctor referred Lars to Aarhus University Hostital for a diagnosis.
At one point, Lars was in an outpatient examination, and the doctor asked if Lars would mind being examined by a professor who had specialized in rare diseases. It just so happened that he was at the ward...
Lars was o
kay with that. After a btirf study, Lars was admitted the same day and was then hospitalized for almost 3½ weeks.

The examination, showed that there were several things wrong. Among other things, Lars has had several small blood clots in the brain, and there is also a small insignificant benign tumor in the brain.
A scan showed that Lars has levercirrose. It is not due to alcohol, we do not partake in alcohol due to our belief, it was instead due to an undiscovered diabetes.

Lars also had problems with dizziness and ballance. Therefore, he was scanned, and this scan showed a discus in the neck.
The spinal cord was clamped and could be one of the causes of the dizziness. Lars was therefore opted for an operation. Not to improve the situation, but with a hope of preventing it from getting worse.
It was this surgery he had last week. Lars is home now and is in good health.

A scan in connection with the operation showed that Lars also has struma. So now all that's left is an operation for inguinal hernia and then the struma must be examined.

As you can tell, Lars has been through a lot. All that is left now is a continuing problem of dizziness, ballance and loss of short-term memory - but it is all right, we can both live and cope with that.

We look forward to the light. We feel loved by our family and friends.
We love our Heavenly Father for the life He has given us, also with the challenges that lie in it.
Thank you all for your love and support.


God aften 
Hvilken vidunderlig tid vi lever i. Solen varmer, fuglene synger og vi ser fremad mod lysere tider.
Lyset... for os er lyset et symbol på alt godt. Lyset er fred og det der giver liv. Når mørket omslutter os, bringer lyset os håb om en bedre tid som vil komme.
Lyset er Jesus Kristus.

Esajas er den som udtrykker det best. 
Esajas 9:6 Thi et Barn er født os, en Søn er os givet, paa hans Skulder skal Herredømmet hvile; og hans Navn skal være: Underfuld-Raadgiver, Vældig-Gud, Evigheds-Fader, Fredsfyrste.

Lars har været syg i nogle år. Det begyndte vel omkring da han var omkring 58-59 år. Han begyndte at glemme ting..
Til slut blev det så svært at arbejde, at han mistede jobbet. Da var han lige flydt 60 år. Firmaet forsøgte til det sidste at beholde ham, men det blev mere og mere klart at det var umuligt.
Efter et halv år, blev Lars testet for om han måske var ved at blive dement. Han blev testet 2 gange. Dement er han ikke.
Vores læge henviste Lars til Århus Universitet Hostital for at få stillet en diagnose.
På et tidspunkt var Lars inde til en ambulant undersøgelse, og lægen spurgte om Lars ville have noget imod at blive tilset af en professor i sjældne sygdomme som tilfældigt var på afdelingen.
var i orden med Lars.og efter en undersøgelse, blev Lars indlagt samme dag, og var derefter indlagt i næsten 3½ uge.

Undersøgelsen viste at der var flere ting galt. Bla. har Lars haft flere små blodpropper i hjernen, og der er også en lille ubetydelige godartet knude samme sted.
En scanning viste at Lars har skrumpelever. Den skylde ikke alkohold, vi er afholdsfolk i kraft af vores tro, den skyldtes i stedet en uopdaget sukkersyge.

Lars havde også problemer med svimmelhed og ballance. Derfor blev han scannet, og denne scanning viste en discus i nakken. 
Rygmarven blev klemt, og det kunne bl.a. være en af årsagerne til svimmelheden. Lars blev derfor indstillet til en operation. Ikke for at forbedre situationen, men med et håb om at kunne forhindre at den blev værer.
Det var denne operation han var til i sidste uge. Lars er hjemme nu, og er ved godt mod.

En scanning i forbindelse med operationen viste at Lars også har struma. Så nu mangler han kun at få en operation for lyskebrok og så skal strumaen undersøges.

Lars har som det fremgår været meget igennem. Tilbage er der nu kun et forsat problem med svimmelhed, ballance og korttidshukommelsen - men det er til at leve med.

Vi ser fremad mod lyset. Vi føler os elsket af vores familie og vore venner.
Vi elsker vor himmelske fader for det liv han har givet os, også med de udfordringer som ligger heri.
Tak til jer alle, for jeres kærlighed og støtte.

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